sexta-feira, janeiro 29, 2010

Fauna - Rain


Um pouco de paciência. Ouvir um álbum cujo conteúdo é uma faixa de 63 minutos é de deixar o pé atrás. Apesar de todas as boas recomendações que encontrei acerca desta banda (e foram muitas!), não foi coisa que me cativasse logo à primeira impressão, mas mal encontrei o momento e a inspiração certa algo como que uma certeza me atingiu. O que os Fauna representam é algo que transcende o comum conceito de banda de Black Metal. Isto é um ritual! Um ritual criado por pessoas que não têm que parecer ser algo mais do que aquilo que são. Um ritual invocado por pessoas que só podem ser honestas. Um ritual feito para nos cagar em cima das cabeças e nos fazer voltar à escuridão primordial. É só lá por volta dos 23 minutos que a rasgação começa verdadeiramente, mas antes disso (e depois também) passam-se coisas fantásticas. Isto é música para quem quer escapar às garras deste mundo de plástico. Música para despertar as origens selvagens do ser humano...

quinta-feira, janeiro 28, 2010

O martelo esta de volta

Embora sem o mediatismo de bandas da altura como Bathory, Celtic Frost..estes agora cotas tinham cenas que me fazem abanar a gadelha q nao tenho. Pelo que parece voltaram à carga!

David Lynch - The Grandmother

Em 1970 deu-lhe para isto. Esta curta metragem parece-me ter um ambiente bastante agradável e acho que alguns de vós vão gostar de ver isto na totalidade. Fica aqui o link- The Grandmother

quarta-feira, janeiro 27, 2010

Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick

What a nice piece of music!

"Really don't mind if you sit this one out.

My words but a whisper -- your deafness a SHOUT.
I may make you feel but I can't make you think.
Your sperm's in the gutter -- your love's in the sink.
So you ride yourselves over the fields and
you make all your animal deals and
your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick.
And the sand-castle virtues are all swept away in
the tidal destruction
the moral melee.
The elastic retreat rings the close of play as the last wave uncovers
the newfangled way.
But your new shoes are worn at the heels and
your suntan does rapidly peel and
your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick.

And the love that I feel is so far away:
I'm a bad dream that I just had today -- and you
shake your head and
say it's a shame..."

terça-feira, janeiro 19, 2010

Acceptus Noctifer 16-01-2010

Ao que parece houve quem se deu ao trabalho de grvar esta porra.
Toma lá Kald, se isto se tornar a repetir ve la se estas por perto para se beber uns canecos!

Salvé Corruptor

Vamos todos para a CAMPA

Venham cabroes! Já nao me atormentam!

O myspace é mesmo A ferramenta musical do presente. Dei de caras com este projecto de terras lusas, e sem exagerar, fiquei doido com as faixas que estes senhores lá têm... é de longe das melhores coisas que tenho andado a ouvir. Curto esta merda até ficar com os cornos esmigalhados e de molho no meu próprio sangue! Mas quais Corpus Christii...
É óbvio que nao passa da minha opiniao, mas acho que as faixas estao mesmo bem feitas. E com um tema bastante castico e cantado em português. Desde logo contactei os dois responsáveis e lhes dei os parabens. Qualquer que venha a ser o formato do futuro album deles, eu quero o!
Se forem espertos, vao dar uma vista de timpanos aos gajos (espero que o link funcione):

segunda-feira, janeiro 18, 2010

GODÜS -Phantomgrave - I Am the Catacombs

Assim que abri a página do myspace e vi que eram espanhois torci o nariz. Mas porra, mal a faixa Triangular Morte me começou a espancar o cérebro fui obrigado a render-me. Não conhecia tal coisa e sinceramente é a primeira banda de Espanha que curto. Não sei de que raio de buraco nojento sairam estes rapazes, mas valeram bem a pena os eventualmente dolorosos trabalhos de parto. Godum, caralho!

(Sim, convém ouvir o mais alto possível!)
Vai buscar! - Link

sexta-feira, janeiro 15, 2010

Inferno Report , porra!

Se descerem um bocado encontrarão a reportagem do Inferno Festival com fotos e tudo (ena pá!). Foi parar ali pela mesma razão que alguém tirou esta foto:

Rendam se ao Voodoo

é sexta à noite for crying out loud...

domingo, janeiro 10, 2010

Leviathan - Massive Conspiracy Against All Life

Lembro-me vagamente de ir com os "phones" rua abaixo e ficar com as orelhas quase a jorrar sangue. Acho que foi na segunda faixa.

Get it!

Latitudes- Studio Sampler

Sim, isto aqui outra vez! O Corruptor já tinha postado aqui um link para o download do album, mas há sempre os preguicosos ou incrédulos que nao o fizeram de certeza...
Este álbum recomenda se e de que maneira! Está cheio de momentos bons e bastante variados. É para mim o soundtrack ideal quando se vai em viagem, seja de comboio, aviao ou o caralho o foda. Este video é um bom exemplo do estilo dos rapazes, apesar de as colagens nao estarem a 100% na minha opiniao.

sexta-feira, janeiro 08, 2010

Inferno Report 2009!!!

INFERNO FESTIVAL 2009, Oslo / Norway, 8-11 April

- Bakfull i Norge -

Since I discovered the phenomenon that is Inferno Festival, I’ve been doing my best not to let any Easter pass without participating in this extreme Metal feast in Oslo. I failed last year, but I had no possible excuse not to do the festival coverage this year! Armed to the teeth with booze and other necessary junk I congregated a crew of rabid psychopaths for total coverage, and hit the aerial road towards the cold North.
After having installed in our first class bunker-suite from Hell, we got fueled and got our press-accreditation official. The plan was simple: to see, hear and write about every band attending the festival, registering everything properly on picture as well.
None would be harder to fulfill… I remember at some point one of the crewmembers shouting in frustration: “I have to check asses, I have to drink beers, I have to take pictures… I don’t even have time to enjoy myself!”. It was going to be hard work.
Even though it was still Wednesday, and the actual festival would only kick off the next day, we had already some bands to check out that were playing at different small venues across the city. It was the so-called Club Night, the forerunner of the coming 3-day Metal marathon.
Unfortunately I was immediately confronted with a difficult choice: the legendary stoners Earth were going to play at a bar called Victoria, exactly at the same time that the crazy Black/Thrash maniacs of Deathhammer would be profaning a stage at Rock In. We ended up going for the latter, it suited our mood better.
What started off as a never-ending horribly amateurish guitar tuning session, actually turned out to be a pretty enjoyable gig. The four Norwegian youngsters of Deathhammer had a lot of energy to unleash on stage, and the music was fucking raw and ugly! Noticeable were the Thrashy vocals with a high pitch at the end of each sentence, remounting clearly to the first Destruction albums. Nothing groundbreaking, but good amusement for sure!
Exploring a bit the somewhat decrepit streets of Oslo at night and getting accustomed to its strange folk, together with a good first night sleep and hardly a hangover on the next morning (afternoon?) was a good physical and mental base for the rampage ahead.
Whatever fragments of a possible hangover there were, they were soon banned by the coldness of a frozen Sognsvann and its surrounding snow, and the revitalizing force of a fine bottle of whisky.
Leaving Oslo’s mountainside took us longer then expected. We arrived too late to check out Kraanium, and therefore the festival started for us with none other than Negura Bunget.
I thought this Romanian act had been doing some good business lately, with a lot of media attention and press coverage… So how come they were scheduled so early on the rooster? Strange…
Whether it was due to the sound engineers not having properly warmed up their ears or if it was the band’s fault in any way, I don’t know, but the sound was quite empty and only minimally decent if you were really close to the stage. Especially from a band with no less than 7 people on stage, I was expecting something much more invading. But with the keyboard very low in the mix and the extra percussion (provided by Thelemnar, from Secrets of the Moon) hardly ever audible, it didn’t really live up to my expectations. Besides that, the occasional panpipes and flute sounded quite untuned comparing to the rest of the music, and the drummer was hitting the snare as if it were made of porcelain. But of course it wasn’t totally bad. I mean, N.B. have good songs – perhaps a bit too stretched for live shows though – and they sure know how to create an original, melodic and somber atmosphere.
The audience didn’t seem too moved, and the end applause (consisting of a mere soft clapping of hands) proved that a big name and a big arsenal of instruments doesn’t necessarily make for a good gig.
It was time for a quick glimpse downstairs at John Dee, where Episode 13 was playing. Both the vocalist and the bassist had corpsepaint. The vocalist looked quite silly with his short hair combined with his Marilyn Manson-like fragile body, wrapped in random pieces of toilet paper. [Mental Note: toilet paper definitely is NOT evil!] These visual aspects aside, I must say the music was pretty ok: depressive Black Metal like early Forgotten Tomb, with simple and efficient riffs. Still, nothing astonishing; just mediocre. I actually just found out they come from Turkey…
Kampfar’s performance seemed to be one the audience was looking forward to. Can’t say I shared the same enthusiasm though; I never understood the big fuss about this band. The act’s intro was pretty intense nonetheless, and turned literally bombastic when the band came onstage. The stage’s background image created a good vibe to the whole, and I must say the new Kampfar songs actually sound minimally interesting! In terms of being at ease, the performance was pretty good, and the audience responded duly. And this is about as far as I get with positive remarks towards Kampfar. Non plus ultra! For what is wrong with this pathetic frontman?? This fucking ego tripper with his naked torso, showing off the time he spent in the gym preparing for this performance! Hahaha, I don’t fucking believe this shit! As one of the only bands able to blend extreme Metal with a beauty contest, Kampfar sure is original! It’s obvious this show is all about the guys’ six-pack. But that’s just not what I came here to see, and with me, many others I’m sure! Maybe he should consider forming a boys-band instead, and take his attitude to a scene with less depth and meaning!
My spirit was getting low after this pathetic display. I needed beer and some REAL Metal to compensate, and so I went down again to check on the Satanic Death Metal of Azarath.
Reminding of the likes of Centurian, Nox and of Polish hordes like Damnation and Hell-Born, Azarath brought forth a straightforward heavy mass of brutality onto the crowd. The vocals were good and imposing, the guitars technical and the drumming very fast. The sound, heavy as fuck!
Next on: The Battalion! Not to mix with other existing Battalions, these Norwegian bastards thrash you to death! They didn’t let me down when I saw them for the first time, and they didn’t fail on me now. I can be short about it: it was a great performance! Ugly Thrash Metal up your spine! Everybody digs this shit!
Ramesses and their heavy Stoner Doom Metal didn’t have a big impact on me. I remember the drummer had a veeery big ride cymbal, like nothing I had ever seen before. And I’m afraid that’s about all I can tell you about this performance, eheh!
Luckily, with Septic Flesh setting foot on the big stage, everything changed. My attending Inferno Festival this year proved already worthy after this act alone, and it came totally out of the blue! Not that I didn’t know or like Septic Flesh previously, but I just wasn’t ready for this! It’s one of the best gigs I’ve ever seen! Massive in every possible sense! A great performance, a great sound, the audience was absolutely smashed!! The music was amazingly dark and brutal! It became clear I hadn’t been paying proper attention to this band lately! I hope I’m still in time for redemption! Aaaaargh!!!
Apparently I missed out Unearthly Trance. I guess I was still in an unearthly Septic Flesh trance… And you know what? From now on I’ll stop mentioning the bands that I didn’t see, as I just realized there’s no real point in mentioning ‘em, is there now?
Moving on.
I thought witnessing Pestilence live for the first time after having known the band already for almost two decades, would be something at least promising, even after a show like Septic Flesh’s! But I’m afraid it was only very disappointing. A lot of expectations build up during such a period of time, as you can imagine! Fifteen years these guys have been hibernating, fifteen years! To have only four days of rehearsal before finally getting on the road again?!! Well, one could tell from all the flaws during the gig – yet only noticeable if one knew the songs by heart, let’s be honest… Clearly I was not the only disappointed one. Everybody I spoke with afterwards shared more or less the same opinion about this comeback. And what is it with the white-trash jogging outfit of vocalist/guitarist Patrick Mameli? It looked as if he had just stepped out of bed on a Sunday morning, ready to sag on the couch to check on an unimportant football match. The repertoire consisted of a couple of songs from Consuming Impulse, Testimony of the Ancients (from which a highlight in “The Secrecies of Horror”), one of Spheres, a couple of new ones and “Out of the Body” as Zugabe. Not much more to say here, except some large credits to the virtuoso bass-player Tony Choy who deservingly stole the entire show!

The second day of the festival started out with a hangover and a subsequent desperate attempt of getting some edible food from the barbecue stand at the venue itself. We were served half raw meat by what could only be two juvenile delinquents. Preparing food was obviously not something these young sociopath ex-cons had been trained for, and I still don’t know whether the blood dribbling from my piece of meat belonged to the meat or to the guy’s half bandaged festering pus-finger. Mm mmm!
The first gig we saw today was Dew-Scented. Uninteresting Hardcore kind of stuff. Nothing I enjoyed really, and I think the same goes for the still dormant audience.
Next on the bill was Krypt - which is pretty much the same band as Tsjuder as far as I’m concerned - and just like Tsjuder, this is a band that – like we say it in Portuguese – neither warms me up nor cools me down. It just sounds like plain mediocre and boring Black Metal. However standard music it may be, the sound was good, the performance tight, and John Dee very crowded.
Meanwhile the big stage upstairs had welcomed Vreid. From the ashes of Windir, Vreid arose some years ago as a Norwegian nationalistic Black Metal-sounding band. When I say nationalistic, I mean it in an anti nazi-occupation, pro-Norwegian perspective. Right winged and politically correct at the same time! How about that huh? This whole idea, along with the typical WW imagery (projected background) you’d expect from such a band live, actually reminded me very much of Loits. In fact, even the sound did. The music was cool and catchy. Sober but contagious. Together with some huge roaring flames on the stage and some awesome live violin parts, Vreid gave away a good show that left the audience content and awake.
Back to John Dee I went, where there was a band playing tight, a bit melodic Black Metal (without corpsepaint). It was Pantheon I. There was a good atmosphere to it and the audience seemed to like these dudes. Unfortunately the sound of the cello was pretty low, but as compensation, the chick playing it was banging her head a lot. Over and out.
Another big and positive surprise for me was the Finnish band Swallow the Sun. It proved to be a very good band, playing a heavy atmospheric doomy Metal. The music was very accessible and played tightly, and the band’s posture on stage was one of high professionalism. Further credits go out to the drummer, who played in a very controlled manner, showing great technical skills, yet without getting pretentious.
I’ve seen Root before, and I still feel the same way about it: I just can’t take it seriously. The way how this tattooed grandpa stands there, citing lyrics from a huge fairytale-like book with this grave voice and trying to look as to scare off a bunch of kids is just too childish for me, if not pathetic. At the same time I must reward the fact that the guy seems to put his soul totally into the performance and the rest of the band makes for a solid act too. Some of the songs have a certain potential and are pretty ok, but the majority of the riffs won’t be haunting me for long. No real highlights to point out here…
While Keep of Kalessin was about to conquer the stage, the crowd was multiplying like a swarm of rats. Rats and a lot of pussy! It looked as if all the chicks wanted to get a glimpse of them pretty boys…
The stage looked great with the imposing background, and even though at the beginning the sound seemed to lack something, it turned out to be one Hell of a bombastic spectacle! Keep of Kalessin has become a very professional band during the years, showing great ease at performing live, energetically walking from one side of the stage to the other. Drummer Vyl also provided a great show on his own. As drummer, this guy is definitely a titan. I haven’t seen many drummers playing as fast and at ease at the same time as this guy. Truly amazing! This band surely has spawned some high-quality musicians! I just can’t seem to figure out how this band manages to create such a massive wall of sound with only ONE guitar. Could there perhaps be some playback involved??
I felt I had seen enough for one day. At the same time, it was a good opportunity to show just how much I appreciate Christianity, by missing out tonight’s headliners Paradise Lost. It was about time to hit the road, meet some friends and start off a monumental alcoholic journey at Rock In. A remarkable bestial night that resulted in a decrepit zombie-mode stray from a 4-star hotel back to our own worn-out hotel room on the other side of town, at about 11h in the morning. I remember saying I would not go to sleep that day…

About seven hours later I woke up from a deep coma, just in time to check out Koldbrann blasting off a sea of decibels at Rockefeller. Two years ago they performed at the small stage downstairs, but in the meantime they seem to have earned their way to the big stage. Once more, Koldbrann set off a strong and hateful gig, with a compact sound and powerful aggressive vocals. At some point Niklas Kvarforth came on stage, rotten as ever (yet more fat than ever before!), holding a burning inverted cross. He sang along with Mannevond during one song in his typical hysterical and grave voice, after which he embarrassingly failed to do some fire breathing. Still, the audience – a large turnout - didn’t seem too affected by this idiotic act, and maintained its enthusiasm all the way through the gig.
There seems to be a small gap here (missed out one or two bands), but the next band I saw this day was Helheim, a band that could never let me down. Their set was played pretty much in perfection. A lot of newer songs could be heard, but the audience was also offered on some songs from Blod og Ild and from Helheim’s debut milestone Jormundgand. Not that the audience deserved it really (except for me and the rest of the crew of course – we got completely berserk! And that’s also why there weren’t taken any pictures of this gig)… Frontman V’gandr soon got pretty annoyed by the overall lack of energy coming from the crowd. When even after asking “Was there too much alcohol involved yesterday?” he did not get any answer, it was time to treat this bunch of wussies to a rain of beer. Despite the lousy audience, Helheim set off a tough gig, and once more I can only hail this band! Lots of credits also go out to Hrymr for his great performance and unique drumming style!
With their blend of Industrial, Thrash and Gothic, Black Comedy is definitely not my cup of tea. It somehow reminded me of White Zombie with a bit more groove and a gothic image. The sound was pretty ok I guess, some interesting rhythm changes here and there, but still… Troll was coming up anyway, so up we went again.
I really had mixed expectations towards this act. I knew some good old songs from Troll, but the impact had never been too big really. From what I witnessed today, it became clear that some things are supposed to stay buried in the past. I can’t imagine Troll’s resurrection for this one exclusive gig did the band any good.
There they stood with their stupid corpsepaint on the big stage… To be honest, I think they didn’t even deserve the small stage. What a shitty band, what a shitty performance! You can forget any “true” spirit surrounding this band!
I went for a quick glimpse downstairs, where the Swedish trio of Grand Magus was performing some Heavy/Doom Metal, but didn’t like it enough to stay there more than a couple of minutes. Instead, I used my time to have a chat with Gorgoroth’s ex-drummer E. Erichsen about his workings on some literature. Apparently he recently released a book on Norwegian Satanism called Nasjonalsatanisten (by now only available in Norwegian tongue), and was preparing his sophomore, this time about women. More specifically, about women from a Baudelairean perspective – a feast for masochistic feminists I’m sure, eheh!
A contagious beat and a typical sound warned me that Samael’s gig had commenced. Just as I expected, it ended up being an energetic (hail Masmiseim!), solid and smooth gig, and it sure was good to see that Samael went back to a more Black Metallish approach on their latest album.
It’s no secret that Samael owes a large deal of its success to the older works; I’ve seen Vorph’s disappointed face before, while confronted by this at a live gig. Having apparently learned a lesson from this, besides introducing a couple of new songs from Reign of Light and Above (like “Illumination”), Samael also played a good dose of material from Ceremony of Opposites and Passage, to clear consent of the audience.
There’s only one thing that started to annoy me at this gig, and that’s the lack of real drums. Xytras just kept on switching on and off between his synthesizer and the electronic drum kit. And at the end it just started to get on my nerves. Everything would get so much better with real drums and the keyboards set on playback instead…
One thing was for sure: I didn’t intend to miss a single second of Code performing. Long before the gig started I was already preparing my battleground at John Dee. Truth is, in my frenzy that followed, I ended up not seeing much of the gig itself, even though I was right in front of the stage. It was a great and explosive gig, and a meaningful as well! It was the first time the new album would be presented live, and also the first time Vicotnik was back in the live line-up after a long while!
All but one song from the new masterpiece Resplendent Grotesque were played, and also a few older unavoidable neck-breakers like “The Cotton Optic” and “Aeon in Cinders”. All songs were played very smoothly, Kvohst did a great job with his varied, lamenting vocals, and it was a true feast to see Vicotnik’s bass skills live in action. At the end of the gig I found myself surrounded by broken carcasses, shredded scalps and smashed-out teeth, while my feet were dragging through a carpet of human blood. I had killed everybody around me.
Or, at least it felt like that.
In reality, I was surrounded by angry, complaining faces, and my feet were soaked from all the beer I helped spill. And what better way of ending a killer concert? Angry faces means there was a good pit! To come to think of it, it was actually great that this gig was kept for the end… I was broken. From then on it would be either home or hospital.
Ah, before I forget, there was supposed to be a headliner after this.
I remember vaguely trying to find my way through a sea of people and seeing a bunch of horrible chicks on the stage wearing gasmasks and strap-on dildos, and a guy in diapers, covered with excrements. I guess that must’ve been Carpathian Forest then… Well, don’t I feel miserable for having missed out most of that bondage party! Poor me.
And thus Inferno 2009 came to an end.
Whether it was due to the economic recession (outside of Norway, since for Norwegians there is - of course - no crisis), or if the line-up wasn’t appealing enough for a lot of people, I don’t know, but I noticed that this year the festival didn’t sell-out.
Still, irrespective of whatever crisis may strike upon us, Inferno can count me in for 2010!

Written by Vipicirilhitifidi 2009 A.Y.P.S.

terça-feira, janeiro 05, 2010

'Ferida aberta'

'Quando olho para dentro desta fodida cona de puta sinto o mundo todo debaixo de mim, um mundo que cambaleia e se desmorona, um mundo gasto e polido como o crânio de um leproso. Se houvesse um homem que ousasse dizer tudo quanto pensasse deste mundo, não lhe restaria um palmo quadrado de solo em que apoiar-se. Quando surge um homem, o mundo exerce pressão sobre ele e quebra-lhe a espinha. Ficam sempre de pé muitos pilares podres, demasiada humanidade supurante para permitir que o homem desabroche. A superstrutura é uma mentira e os alicerces são um imenso e trémulo medo. Se, com intervalos de séculos, aparece um homem com uma expressão faminta e desesperada nos olhos, um homem que seria capaz de virar o mundo de pernas para o ar a fim de criar uma nova espécie, o amor que traz ao mundo tranforma-se em fel e ele torna-se um flagelo. Se de vez em quando encontramos páginas que explodem, páginas que ferem e cauterizam, que arrancam gemidos, e lágrimas, e pragas, sabei que provêm de um homem de costas direitas, de um homem a quem restam como únicas defesas as suas palavras, e que as suas palavras são sempre mais fortes do que o peso esmagador do mundo, mais fortes do que todas as rodas e torturas que os cobardes inventam para esmagar o milagre da personalidade. Se algum homem ousasse jamais exprimir tudo quanto tem no coração, revelar o que é realmente a sua experiência, o que é veramente a sua verdade, se isso acontecesse creio que o mundo se despedeçaria, que se desintegraria em pedacinhos, e nenhum deus, nenhum acidente, nenhuma vontade poderia jamais voltar a reunir os bocados, os átomos, os elementos indestrutíveis que entraram na construção do mundo.
Nos últimos quatrocentos anos desde que apareceu a última alma devoradora, desde que existiu o último homem a conhecer o significado do êxtase, tem-se verificado um declínio constante e firme do homem na arte, no pensamento e na acção. O mundo está gasto:não resta um peido seco.'

Trópico de Câncer, Henry Miller