quarta-feira, agosto 04, 2010

The Helheim Society

NOT to be confused with Helheim (Nor). The band often called themselves The Helheim Society in order to avoid confusion. It never appeared on the front-covers of their releases, but rather in fanzines, in their official P.O. Box address, and on their later MySpace site.

The music is cold and industrially tinged Norwegian black metal at it's finest, quite raw and unusual.

The Helheim Society – Demo Tapes

The Helheim Society – Walpurgisnatt Demo II 1994
1) Pest II
2) Fimbulvinter
3) Walpurgisnatt

Down Syndrome

The Helheim Society – Helheim demo I 1994
1) Pest (Intro)
2) Saga Døden
3) Saga Mørket

Down Syndrome

The Helheim Society - Fenris [ep] (1996)
1) Syndens Makt
2) Saga Mørket
3) Amok
4) Fimbulvinter

Down Syndrome


1 comentário:

Corruptor disse...

Já tava a precisar de nova dose.