In the spirit of our trademarked eclecticism and confusing contradictions, Mega Therion invites you to celebrate in a Geistshaking Polterabend for DJs Kvohst and Viisik!
Live music from Israthoum (NL) who play Blackmetal in the old 90s vein like classic-era Darkthrone and Emperor. Their debut CD was released by Spikefarm Records and their vinyl by Burning World Records (Altar of Plagues etc). They are now veterans of the underground scene in The Netherlands - though most of its members are actually Portuguese. They recently played a barnstorming show in London as part of a tour with Secrets Of The Moon and Solstafir, to a stunned crowd and critical acclaim by the likes of Terrorizer Magazine. A band that plays with real heart and soul.
Swallowed (FIN) - one of our favourite up-and-coming bands, who play real old Deathmetal in the spirit of the greats such as Autopsy and Nihilist. They blew our heads off supporting Asphyx in Helsinki recently and their intense spirit and infectious dedication transcend their age. This is a band that totally understands what it means to play Deathmetal with feeling and are set to be one of the future greats from Finland.
We are also very proud to present a special DJ set and appearance by our friend Czral (NOR), a pioneer and extraordinarily talented musician of the Blackmetal scene from bands such as Virus/Ved Buens Ende/Aura Noir/Cadaver and DHG. This is a one-off opportunity, not part of any band tour etc and is exclusive to Club Mega Therion.
There will be our usual prize giveaways and hopefully some stalls with vinyls/cds from our partners in crime . . .details tbc.
Check out the bands here:
3 comentários:
Grande poster!
O gajo c'os dentes de cavalo é o Carl Michaels,né?!
é pois! Depois de uma ida ao estomatologista mh hö
Ah grande Carlitos, vejam lá se lhe dão um cachaço por mim... partam aquela merda toda!
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