Uma banda folk, finlandesa, que ultimamente tenho andado a ouvir, no entanto, só agora é que fui dar uma espreitadela aos vídeos. Gosto particularmente desta faixa, daquilo que parecia ser um conjunto de maldições proferido por uma velha bruxa. É um feitiço. Preferia não saber, mas fui ver, muito obrigado. Não sei porquê, mas a musica sem um rosto parece sempre diferente, mais distante da realidade. Mas deve ser só uma impressão minha.
Treacherous and cold-skinned viper,
slithering and slit-eyed fiend,
heather-colored belly-crawler,
learn now of your contemptible extraction,
hear and know your lowly provenance:
Earth it was who first uncoiled you,
as it did much crawling vermin,
even many-colored serpents.
As for what your proper hue be
I can't say, nor does it matter
if you were nine different colors,
whether you are black or greyish
or perchance a shade of copper.
Evil, stinging devil's minion,
never shall my blood refresh you,
nor my flesh sustain your body.
Hissing ghoul with jagged backside,
long-fanged, vicious, wicked creature,
find a hillside in the forest,
hide amongst the tender willows,
slink into a stony hollow,
creep, black worm, into a burrow
and take my affliction with you,
carry off the pain I suffer
to those killing fields of battle,
to the very sites of warfare.
Cleanse the grievous wound you gave me,
rid my veins of this your venom.
Henceforth do not hasten thee hither,
never wend your winding way here,
be, foul thing, forever banished.
Ilmatar (2000)
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Opá isto tá muito bom!
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