sexta-feira, junho 12, 2009


Brutality serves my intelligence

As my head feels like a war machine

Inside this cockpit where my anger is released

On soldiers and civilians

Seek your shelter now

So let go of your rage now

Let go of your will

Your mind is fulfilled now

Here is my kill

I make my aim, bullets reign

Die in torment or play the game

The thundering sin with ammo and speed

Skywolf parading in flames

Jetheart control, war is my soul

Come here and join this insanity with me

Aldrahn 05

2 comentários:

Corruptor disse...

tá porreiro. sabes se isto foi usado em algum projecto do gajo?

Caldusfuriusus disse...

ya, isto é uma faixa de The Deathtrip. É abanar os cornos até partir os azulejos!